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Creates an AWS DeepRacing training environment which can be deployed in the cloud, or locally on Ubuntu Linux, Windows or Mac.

Upload Model to AWS Console

Starting end July 2020 the AWS DeepRacer Console was re-designed which is now changing the way that models need to be uploaded to enable them to be evaluated or submitted to the AWS hosted Summit or Virtual League events.

Create Upload Bucket

The recommendation is to create a unique bucket in us-east-1 which is used as 'transit' between your training bucket, local or in an AWS region close to your EC2 instances.

The bucket needs to be defined so that 'Objects can be public'; AWS will create a specific IAM policy to access the data in your bucket as part of the import.

Configure Upload Bucket

In system.env set DR_UPLOAD_S3_BUCKET to the name of your created bucket.

In run.env set the DR_UPLOAD_S3_PREFIX to any prefix of your choice.

Upload Model

After configuring the system you can run dr-upload-model; it will copy out the required parts of s3://DR_LOCAL_S3_BUCKET/DR_LOCAL_S3_PREFIX into s3://DR_UPLOAD_S3_BUCKET/DR_UPLOAD_S3_PREFIX.

Once uploaded you can use the Import model feature of the AWS DeepRacer console to load the model into the model store.

Things to know

Upload switches

There are several useful switches to the upload command:


If you want to use the import switches (-i or -I) there are a few pre-requisites.

Managing your models

You should decide how you're going to manage your models. Upload to AWS does not preserve all the files created locally so if you delete your local files you will find it hard to go back to a previous model and resume training.

Create file formatted for physical car, and upload to S3

You can also create the file in the format necessary to run on the physical car directly from DRfC, without going through the AWS console. This is executed by running 'dr-upload-car-zip'; it will copy files out of the running sagemaker container, format them into the proper .tar.gz file, and upload that file to s3://DR_LOCAL_S3_BUCKET/DR_LOCAL_S3_PREFIX. One of the limitations of this approach is that it only uses the latest checkpoint, and does not have the option to use the "best" checkpoint, or an earlier checkpoint. Another limitation is that the sagemaker container must be running at the time this command is executed.